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Name - your first and last name

ID Number - your student ID number


Meetings - the amount regular meetings held every other Monday that you attended.

Blood Drive - put a 1 if you donated blood.

Community Service - this includes all community service not specifically mentioned, such as the elementary school carnivals, the CEC Christmas Party, NRES babysitting, etc. This does not include road cleanups. Put down the number of hours that you worked.

Road Cleanups - put down the number of road cleanups that you attended

Class Activities - this includes class meetings, helping with class funraisers and class activities.

Committee Activities - this includes the committee meetings and any activities for them, including attending social committee's activities.

Worked at Lunch Table - put the number of lunches that you worked for StuCo.

Basket Exchange - put the number of basket exchanges that you helped walk over to the other team.

Other - anything that is not specifically listed here and is not a form of community service.

Sport Events/Activities - the number of sport games or school activities you attended, such as choir concerts, basketball games, plays, etc. You cannot count anything that you were required to attend. For example, if you are in choir, then you cannot put the choir concert as a point, as you had to attend it anyways.

Dress Up Days - the amount of days that you dressed up. You must have your regular sheet signed by an officer that day for it to count.



Nut Fundraiser - put a 1 if you sold at least 5 items, otherwise put a 0.

Homecoming - the amount of hours you volunteered for Homecoming, counting chalking and helping line up before the parade, and helping at Student Council booths, NOT class booths.

Canned Food Drive - put a 1 if you donated to the food drive.

Homeless for a Night - if you attended Homeless, then write down the number of hours that you were there for.



V-Day Fundraiser - put a 1 if you participated in the fundraiser, otherwise put a 0.

Banquet - put a 1 if you attended banquet, otherwise put a 0.

Election Board - the number of elections boards that you helped out with.

Christ Haven - put the number of hours that you were at Christ Haven skating for.